word's largest fishing lure

Found within the City of Lacombe, the Len Thompson Trout Pond is home to the World’s Largest Fishing Lure, and has a fully accessible floating dock. The new dock is installed in the pond with steel piling and has a wooden deck and railing system that will be sturdy and safe for all participants.

The semi-circle dock extends approximately 100 feet into the pond and is about 100 feet wide. There are two points of access on shore for the easier movement of people on and off the dock. A gradually sloped path down to the dock allows for a stable path to the water.

There are also several picnic areas on the dock where people can enjoy a unique lunch venue on the water overlooking the World’s Largest Fishing Lure.

The World’s Largest Lure project was tackled in partnership and with the generous support of the Lacombe Fish and Game AssociationEcho Lacombe Community Grant Fund and local fabricators Comet Welding.  

The former Guinness World Record holder for Largest Fishing Lure is located in West, Texas, USA with a length of 15 ft 6.72 in. Lacombe’s lure measures in at 40 ft 5.25”, nearly 25 ft longer than the previous record. To break the dimensions down even further, the spoon itself is 27.5 ft long and 9.5 ft wide. The treble hook is 14 ft long and 8 ft wide. Lacombe’s lure was painted with Len Thompson’s most popular pattern, the Yellow & Red Five of Diamonds®.

The structure is located at the Len Thompson Pond, situated at the end of Len Thompson Drive and easily visible from Highway 2A. Managed by the Lacombe Fish and Game Association, the pond’s waters are stocked annually with rainbow trout providing accessible fishing opportunities for locals and visitors of all ages. The lure was officially unveiled to the public on the annual “Kids Can Catch Fishing Day” which took place on Saturday, June 1, 2019.

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